Let's Get This Started!

Hello Everyone!

This is my first blog post on my new blog “Prettiest Polish”. I’m super excited to be bringing you a variety of tips, tricks, and tutorials each week! I will be posting a blog weekly with a new topic or tutorial! My nails are completely natural so I will be showing you how to paint them on your own natural nails and not on artificial nails!

For starters, I thought I would do the “I <3 Nail Polish” Tag to let you all know a little bit more about me!

1. Favourite base coat?

I have tried a wide variety of different base coats throughout my nail polish life, but I continually am drawn to "OPI Natural Nail Base Coat". This base coat prevents staining as well as ensuring that my polish lasts throughout daily tasks. However, I do not have ridgy nails so I'm unsure how it works on nails with deep ridges, but overall I love everything about this base coat from the brush, to the actual polish. 

2. Favourite top coat?

Much like base coat, I have tried A LOT of different top coats throughout the time I have been wearing nail polish. For the longest time I was solely using "OPI Top Coat" since I loved the base coat so much, but it honestly took the longest time to dry and I would usually end up wrecking my polish or design before it even had time to dry because I couldn't sit still for that long. 
Since I've started venturing into Fast Drying Top Coats, I have been finding myself LOVING "Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat". It dries in minutes and makes your manicure hard enough to go off and continue on with your day without being in fear of wrecking your freshly done fingers. I also really like the brush on this product because it's a nice medium sized brush that doesn't get polish all over the sides of my nails. 

3. Top 3 favorite nail polish brands?

This is a difficult question because there are things I love about every brand of nail polish! But seeing as that doesn't answer the question at all, my top 3 would have to be OPI, Julep, and Nails Inc. I haven't ventured much into indie polishes but I am hoping to explore them further in the next year!

4. How often do you paint your nails?

Well, this is going to be embarrassing... I get this question a lot haha. I honestly paint them about every-other day. But if I really dig the design or the colour I will leave it for a few days longer. For example, my nails I have on now (That I will be showing in a later question) I have had on for 4 days! (Not as impressive as I think it is probably.)

5. Favorite neutral nail polish?

My all time favourite neutral would probably be Essie's "Ballet Slippers". It's a sheer pink neutral, and since I have a really pale skin tone it works perfectly for me! It's just cute and feminine and works as an amazing base colour for any nail art or glitter. 

6. Pink or red nail polishes?
I am personally impartial to pink polishes for the most part. However, I will wear red at any given opportunity too! I love both and think both are staples in any laqueristas collection.

7. Glitter or matte nail polish?
Without any hesitation, Glitter. Definitely Glitter. It's almost embarrassing how many glitter polishes I own, and the amount of glitter I have accidentally gotten on my dog as a result.

8. Your go-to nail polish at the moment?

 I have really been loving OPI's "Lost on Lombard" lately! I think it's the perfect ox blood colour for my skin tone.

9. What's on your nails now? Color/design? Show us!

I have a floral, studded thing going on right now! I used a mixture of Formula X for Sephora's "Unmistakeable" for my base, and Ciaté's "Hoopla" for the flowers with a mixture of white to make the swirled effect. The studs I used are from Sally Hanson and I just got them from the Superstore! I will be posting a tutorial on how I did these soon! Please excuse the bubbles on some of my fingers, I was trying to use up an old top coat, and it resulted in less than stellar results.

I hope I didn't bore anyone with this long post! If you made it to the end give yourself a pat on the back! I am very excited to share any knowledge I have about nail polish and nail related topics. I am also very excited to learn anything I can from any of you! I will be posting a tutorial within the next week. Since you've learned a little bit about me, I want to learn a bit about YOU! Send me a comment down below answering the "I <3 Nail Polish" Tag, as well as any tutorials or topics you are interested in learning more about!

Have a good week, and may your fingernails be beautiful!


  1. How do you keep your nails from getting too dry and brittle? I always find that, whenever I paint my nails too often, they end up flaking and I need to take a break to get them healthy again.

    1. My answer to that is moisturize! Every night I use a Hemp hand cream on my hands and nails and then follow up with a cuticle oil! The hand cream I use is from the Body Shop and the cuticle oil I use is Julep's "Essential Cuticle Oil".
      If you're nails are cracked post polish I would suggest trimming away any cracked portion of your nail and ensuring that you use a good base coat underneath any polish you use to ensure you're not damaging your nail underneath.
      My last suggestion is to go to Sally Beauty Supply, or any similar type store and buy a 3-way nail buffer and use that to smooth out your nail. Do this sparingly however because it can cause nails to become thin if not used with discretion.

    2. All great suggestions. Thanks! :)
